Thursday, February 14, 2013

Birthday present for my sister!

My big sister had her birthday last week, so I wanted to make a big surprise for her!

I made for her a toy-Monster with my old shirts!

I first cut my old undershirts to fill the monster.
Than I cut out with a nice fabrics, the eyes, legs and arms.
Than I cut out his body in the prettiest design.
The hardest part was to stitch all that together. I wanted to do everything on my own, so nobody knew, even my mom, so she couldn't help me. I had to remember how to stitch. I trained first aside and then start stitching the body of Monster. I added other parts and eyes at the end!

I showed it first to my mom and dad, they couldn't believe that I did all by myself!

Then my mom said that I have to decorate the cake that she made for my sister with my Monster so it matches.

Yes I did that too!

At the end, my sister was so happy with all her presents but she loved my the most!

I was so proud!