Saturday, December 27, 2014

Cool Holiday Cards

This year my sister and I made lots of different cards for the holidays. They look really hard, but they're very quick, easy and fun. All the steps for all the cards are here!

1st Card:

First step: Take a regular piece of construction paper and draw your measurements as shown (don't forget to fold the paper in half first!):

Second step: When you've finished drawing all the measurements keep the paper folded and cut along the first vertical line up to the first horizontal line.
Third step: when you've finished cutting unfold the paper and pop out the part that you cut out and fold back:

Keep doing step 2 (as shown above) until you get to the top. Then you'll end up with a pyramid!:

Now you can add any decorations you want!

2nd Card

 First step: Fold a regular piece of construction paper in half like a book. On the cover draw anything you want, if your doing it for the holidays you might want to draw something winter themed. For example:

Second step: make a chain of people. You can find the steps for this at the end of this post.

Third step: Cut out an icon for "Happy New Year" and "Merry Christmas." Make sure that your icon has enough space for you to write on it, and make sure that your icon is a different color than the background color of the card. Attach both of these on different sides of the card with a "springie." You can find the directions for a "springie" on my post "I, Robot."

4th step: Now you can write message, and you've got your card!

3rd Card:

 1st step: Take a large piece of designed paper as shown above and write message on the bottom right corner.

2nd step: Make a chain of people shown on the end of the post, and stick it on the top right corner.

3rd step: Cut out Merry Christmas or Happy New Year on different color papers and stick them together. To attach the letters to the paper use a string and attach one end the paper and the  other end to the letters (as shown below). Now you've gotten yourself a card!

How to make a chain of people:

First step: Take a regular piece of construction paper, fold it in half and draw two silhouettes of people holding hands (make sure that the arm of the first person is a attached to the end of the paper as shown below):

Second step: Cut the whole shape of both of them stuck together:

Third step: Unfold your product and you have yourself a chain of people!
